Indigenous Languages, Politics, And Authority In Latin America: Historical And Ethnographic Perspectives
$61.48University of Notre Dame Press
Indigenous Life around the Great Lakes: War, Climate, and Culture (Midwest Archaeological Perspectives)
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Indigenous Life around the Great Lakes: War, Climate, and Culture (Midwest Archaeological Perspectives) by Richard W. Edwards IV
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, And Democracy (Contending Modernities) - 9780268108618
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Indonesian Pluralities: Islam, Citizenship, And Democracy (Contending Modernities) - 9780268108625
$50.56University of Notre Dame Press
Integral Human Development: Catholic Social Teaching And The Capability Approach (Kellogg Institute Series On Democracy And Development)
$79.30University of Notre Dame Press
Intellectual Imagination: Knowledge And Aesthetics In North Atlantic And African Philosophy
$61.48University of Notre Dame Press
Ireland's Magdalen Laundries and the Nation's Architecture of Containment
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Ireland's Revolutionary Diplomat: A Biography of Leopold Kerney
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Isabelle of France: Capetian Sanctity and Franciscan Identity in the Thirteenth Century
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Jean Bethke Elshtain: Politics, Ethics, And Society (Catholic Ideas For A Secular World)
$45.97University of Notre Dame Press
Josef Pieper On The Spiritual Life: Creation, Contemplation, And Human Flourishing
$113.78University of Notre Dame Press
Knowing the Love of Christ: An Introduction to the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
$33.32University of Notre Dame Press
Latinos In New York: Communities In Transition, Second Edition (Latino Perspectives) - 9780268101503
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Latinos In New York: Communities In Transition, Second Edition (Latino Perspectives) - 9780268101510
$40.79University of Notre Dame Press
Latinos In The United States: The Sacred And The Political, Second Edition (Latino Perspectives)
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Legacies of the Left Turn in Latin America: The Promise of Inclusive Citizenship (Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development)
$73.55University of Notre Dame Press
Lessons from Walden: Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy
$37.92University of Notre Dame Press
Liberalism Safe For Catholicism?, A: Perspectives From The Review Of Politics (Review Of Politics Series) - 9780268101701
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Liberalism Safe For Catholicism?, A: Perspectives From The Review Of Politics (Review Of Politics Series) - 9780268101718
$45.97University of Notre Dame Press
Life In The Spirit: Trinitarian Grammar And Pneumatic Community In Hegel And Augustine (Thresholds In Philosophy And Theology) - 9780268028954
$48.03University of Notre Dame Press
Life In The Spirit: Trinitarian Grammar And Pneumatic Community In Hegel And Augustine (Thresholds In Philosophy And Theology) - 9780268070618
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Light of the Night: The Last Eighteen Months in the Life of Therese of Lisieux
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Linguistics And Philosophy: An Essay On The Philosophical Constants Of Language
$50.56University of Notre Dame Press