Religion, Populism, And Modernity: Confronting White Christian Nationalism And Racism (Contending Modernities)
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Religion, Populism, And Modernity: Confronting White Christian Nationalism And Racism (Contending Modernities) - 9780268205829
$44.82University of Notre Dame Press
Religious Pluralism, Democracy, and the Catholic Church in Latin America (Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development)
$177.00University of Notre Dame Press
Religious Responses To Violence: Human Rights In Latin America Past And Present (Kellogg Institute Series On Democracy And Development) - 9780268044312
$55.28University of Notre Dame Press
Religious Responses To Violence: Human Rights In Latin America Past And Present (Kellogg Institute Series On Democracy And Development) - 9780268193102
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Remembering The Troubles: Contesting The Recent Past In Northern Ireland
$45.97University of Notre Dame Press
Ren?? Girard, Unlikely Apologist: Mimetic Theory And Fundamental Theology
$62.06University of Notre Dame Press
RenE Girard And Secular Modernity: Christ, Culture, And Crisis
$39.76University of Notre Dame Press
RenE Girard, Unlikely Apologist: Mimetic Theory and Fundamental Theology
$44.82University of Notre Dame Press
Renewing Theology: Ignatian Spirituality And Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacur?¡a, And Pope Francis
$96.54University of Notre Dame Press
Retrieving Freedom : The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Retrieving Freedom: The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition (Catholic Ideas for a Secular World)
$73.55University of Notre Dame Press
Reverence For The Relations Of Life: Re-Imagining Pragmatism Via Josiah Royce's Interactions With Peirce, James, And Dewey
$67.80University of Notre Dame Press
Rich Bioethics : Public Policy, Biotechnology, And The Kass Council
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Ricoeur On Time And Narrative : An Introduction To Temps Et R??cit
$90.79University of Notre Dame Press
Rise and Fall of Repression in Chile (Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development)
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Rituals For The Dead: Religion And Community In The Medieval University Of Paris (Conway Lectures In Medieval Studies) - 9780268104931
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Rituals For The Dead: Religion And Community In The Medieval University Of Paris (Conway Lectures In Medieval Studies) - 9780268104948
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Rivalrous Masculinities: New Directions in Medieval Gender Studies
$73.55University of Notre Dame Press
Roman Sources For The History Of American Catholicism, 17631939
$82.17University of Notre Dame Press
Sacrifice, Scripture, And Substitution: Readings In Ancient Judaism And Christianity (Christianity And Judaism In Antiquity)
$177.00University of Notre Dame Press
Salvation And Sin : Augustine, Langland, And Fourteenth-Century Theology
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Salvation In Henri De Lubac: Divine Grace, Human Nature, And The Mystery Of The Cross
$85.05University of Notre Dame Press
Savoring Power, Consuming the Times: The Metaphors of Food in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature
$177.00University of Notre Dame Press
Scandal Work: James Joyce, The New Journalism, And The Home Rule Newspaper Wars
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Schism: Seventh-Day Adventism In Post-Denominational China (Liu Institute Series In Chinese Christianities)
$90.79University of Notre Dame Press
School Sector and Student Outcomes (Notre Dame Advances in Education)
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press