Confessing History: Explorations In Christian Faith And The Historian's Vocation
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Confession And Resistance: Defining The Self In Late Medieval England
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Conflicts Of Devotion: Liturgical Poetics In Sixteenth- And Seventeenth-Century England
$66.66University of Notre Dame Press
Conservatism in a Divided America: The Right and Identity Politics
$51.14University of Notre Dame Press
Constructing Civility: The Human Good In Christian And Islamic Political Theologies
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Constructing Civility: The Human Good In Christian And Islamic Political Theologies - 9780268102739
$51.14University of Notre Dame Press
Contemplative Self After Michel Henry, The: A Phenomenological Theology (Thresholds In Philosophy And Theology)
$59.76University of Notre Dame Press
Contemporary Aristotelian Ethics : Alasdair MacIntyre, Martha Nussbaum, Robert Spaemann
$79.30University of Notre Dame Press
Contested Territory: Mapping Peru In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries (History, Languages, And Cultures Of The Spanish And Portuguese Worlds)
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Conventional And Ultimate Truth: A Key For Fundamental Theology (Thresholds In Philosophy And Theology)
$45.97University of Notre Dame Press
Costs Of Justice: How New Leaders Respond To Previous Rights Abuses (Contemporary European Politics And Society)
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Creating Conversos: The CarvajalSanta María Family In Early Modern Spain
$61.48University of Notre Dame Press
Creation "Ex Nihilo": Origins, Development, Contemporary Challenges
$51.14University of Notre Dame Press
Creation As Emanation: The Origin Of Diversity In Albert The Great'S On The Causes And The Procession Of The Universe (Publications In Medieval Studies)
$50.56University of Notre Dame Press
Creation Ex Nihilo: Origins, Development, Contemporary Challenges
$44.82University of Notre Dame Press
Cultural Narratives: Textuality And Performance In American Culture Before 1900
$177.00University of Notre Dame Press
Culture of Enlightening: Abb?? Claude Yvon and the Entangled Emergence of the Enlightenment
$90.79University of Notre Dame Press
Curing Mad Truths: Medieval Wisdom for the Modern Age (Catholic Ideas for a Secular World)
$44.82University of Notre Dame Press
Danger On The Doorstep: Anti-Catholicism And American Print Culture In The Progressive Era
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Dante and Violence: Domestic, Civic, Cosmic (William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature)
$73.55University of Notre Dame Press
Dante's "Other Works": Assessments And Interpretations (William And Katherine Devers Series In Dante And Medieval Italian Literature) - 9780268202385
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Dante's "Other Works": Assessments And Interpretations (William And Katherine Devers Series In Dante And Medieval Italian Literature) - 9780268202392
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Dante's Multitudes: History, Philosophy, Method (William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature) - 9780268202934
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Dante's Multitudes: History, Philosophy, Method (William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature) - 9780268202941
$62.06University of Notre Dame Press
Death And Conversion In The Andes: Lima And Cuzco, 1532-1670 (History, Languages, And Cultures Of The Spanish And Portuguese Worlds)
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press