Not By Nature But By Grace: Forming Families Through Adoption (Catholic Ideas For A Secular World)
$25.00 $23.42University of Notre Dame Press
Notre Dame Vs. The Klan: How The Fighting Irish Defied The Kkk
$20.00 $18.38University of Notre Dame Press
Offering Hospitality: Questioning Christian Approaches to War
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
On Faith: Summa Theologiae 2-2, Qq. 1?û16 Of St. Thomas Aquinas
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
On the Universality of What Is Not: The Apophatic Turn in Critical Thinking
$67.80University of Notre Dame Press
On What Cannot Be Said: Apophatic Discourses In Philosophy, Religion, Literature, And The Arts. Volume 1. Classic Formulations
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Open Your Heart: Religion And Cultural Poetics Of Greater Mexico (Latino Perspectives)
$34.59University of Notre Dame Press
Origen And The History Of Justification: The Legacy Of Origen'S Commentary On Romans
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oscar Romero'S Theological Vision: Liberation And The Transfiguration Of The Poor
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Oscar RomeroS Theological Vision: Liberation And The Transfiguration Of The Poor
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Outsiders: The Humanity and Inhumanity of Giants in Medieval French Prose Romance (Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies)
$148.26University of Notre Dame Press
Outsiders: The Humanity And Inhumanity Of Giants In Medieval French Prose Romance (Conway Lectures In Medieval Studies) - 9780268031121
$45.97University of Notre Dame Press
Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art (The Beginning and the Beyond of Politics)
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Paleolithic Politics: The Human Community in Early Art (The Beginning and the Beyond of Politics) - 9780268107147
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Participatory Democracy In Brazil: Socioeconomic And Political Origins (Kellogg Institute Series On Democracy And Development)
$40.79University of Notre Dame Press
Pastoral Power, Clerical State: Pentecostalism, Gender, And Sexuality In Nigeria (Contending Modernities) - 9780268203139
$119.53University of Notre Dame Press
Pastoral Power, Clerical State: Pentecostalism, Gender, And Sexuality In Nigeria (Contending Modernities) - 9780268203146
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Pastoral Quechua : The History Of Christian Translation In Colonial Peru, 1550-1654
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Peacebuilding After Peace Accords: The Challenges of Violence, Truth and Youth (RIREC Project on Post-Accord Peacebuilding)
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Performance And Religion In Early Modern England: Stage, Cathedral, Wagon, Street (Reformations: Medieval And Early Modern)
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Performance And Religion In Early Modern England: Stage, Cathedral, Wagon, Street (Reformations: Medieval And Early Modern) - 9780268104665
$56.31University of Notre Dame Press
Petrarch and Dante: Anti-Dantism, Metaphysics, Tradition (William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature)
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Philo's Portrayal Of Moses In The Context Of Ancient Judaism (Christianity And Judaism In Antiquity)
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Philosophical Exigencies of Christian Religion (Thresholds in Philosophy and Theology) - Hardcover
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Philosophical Exigencies of Christian Religion (Thresholds in Philosophy and Theology) - Paperback
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Philosophy, Reasoned Belief, And Faith: An Introduction - 9780268202682
$177.00University of Notre Dame Press