Parthenon And Liberal Education, The (Suny Series In Ancient Greek Philosophy)
$40.56State University of New York Press
Partial Truths And Our Common Future (Suny Series In American Philosophy And Cultural Thought)
$39.47State University of New York Press
Passive Voices (On The Subject Of Phenomenology And Other Figures Of Speech) (Suny Series, Intersections: Philosophy And Critical Theory)
$44.93State University of New York Press
Perpetual Movement: Alfred Hitchcock's Rope (Suny Series, Horizons of Cinema) - 9781438484167
$40.57State University of New York Press
Personal Religion and Spiritual Healing (SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
$39.47State University of New York Press
Personation Plots: Identity Fraud in Victorian Sensation Fiction (SUNY Series, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century)
$108.32State University of New York Press
Persons Emerging: Three Neo-Confucian Perspectives on Transcending Self-Boundaries (Suny Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Phenomenology and Future Generations : Generativity, Justice, and Amor Mundi
$112.69State University of New York Press
Phenomenology in an African Context (Suny Series, Philosophy and Race)
$112.69State University of New York Press
Phenomenology in an African Context : Contributions and Challenges
$44.93State University of New York Press
Philosophers and Their Poets: Reflections on the Poetic Turn in Philosophy since Kant (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Philosophy As Stranger Wisdom: A Leo Strauss Intellectual Biography (Suny The Thought And Legacy Of Leo Strauss)
$108.32State University of New York Press
Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political: Essays on Dante (Suny Contemporary Italian Philosophy)
$39.47State University of New York Press
Philosophy-Screens (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
$39.47State University of New York Press
Plantation Politics And Campus Rebellions (Suny Series, Critical Race Studies In Education)
$34.01State University of New York Press
Playing Games In Nineteenth-Century Britain And America (Suny Series, Studies In The Long Nineteenth Century) - 9781438485546
$41.66State University of New York Press
Poetics of Breathing: Modern Literature's Syncope (Suny Series, Literature . . . in Theory) - 9781438483580
$42.75State University of New York Press
Political Bodies : Writings on Adriana Cavarero's Political Thought
$42.75State University of New York Press
Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia, The (SUNY series in Comparative Politics)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Politics of People, The: Protest Cultures in China (SUNY series in Global Modernity)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age : Lessons for the Global South and Working Classes
$112.69State University of New York Press
Portraits of Public Service : Untold Stories from the Front Lines
$44.93State University of New York Press
Portraits: The Hasidic Legacy of Elie Wiesel (Suny Contemporary Jewish Thought)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Post-Chineseness (Suny Series, James N. Rosenau Global Politics)
$108.32State University of New York Press
Post-Chineseness: Cultural Politics And International Relations (Suny Series, James N. Rosenau Global Politics)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Postnormal Conservation (SUNY series in Environmental Governance: Local-Regional-Global Interactions)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Postpolitics and the Limits of Nature (SUNY series in New Political Science)
$32.92State University of New York Press
Power and Progress: Joseph Ibn Kaspi and the Meaning of History
$40.57State University of New York Press
Power, Constraint, And Policy Change (Suny American Constitutionalism)
$39.47State University of New York Press
Practical Govt Budgeting: A Workbook for Public Managers (Suny Series in Medical Anthropology) (SUNY series in Public Administration)
$40.57State University of New York Press