Most Glorious Ride, A: The Diaries of Theodore Roosevelt, 1877-1886 (Excelsior Editions)
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Movement of Showing, The: Indirect Method, Critique, and Responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger (SUNY series in Contemporary French Thought)
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Moving For Marriage (Suny Series, Genders In The Global South)
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Much Sound and Fury, or the New Jim Crow?: The Twenty-First Century's Restrictive New Voting Laws and Their Impact - 9781438486826
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Multicultural Poetics (Suny Series In Multiethnic Literatures)
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Music's Making : The Poetry of Music, the Music of Poetry
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Nato'S Durability In A Post-Cold War World (Suny Series, James N. Rosenau Series In Global Politics)
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Negotiation Dynamics To Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion And Disarray - 9781438492933
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New Perspectives In Modern Korean Buddhism: Institution, Gender, And Secular Society
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Normality, Abnormality, And Pathology In Merleau-Ponty (Suny Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
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Nos/Otras: Gloria E. Anzaldúa, Multiplicitous Agency, and Resistance (Suny Series, Philosophy and Race)
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Novel Pedagogy : The Novel and Educational Publications in Victorian Britain
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Of An Alien Homecoming: Reading Heidegger's H??lderlin (Suny Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
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Off the Derech: Leaving Orthodox Judaism (SUNY series in Contemporary Jewish Literature and Culture)
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On Blackness, Liveliness, and What It Means to Be Human : Toward Black Specificity in Higher Education
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On the Good Life: Thinking through the Intermediaries in Plato's Philebus (SUNY series in Ancient Greek Philosophy)
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One (Un)Like the Other : Rethinking Ethics, Empathy, and Transcendence from Husserl to Derrida
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One Over Many (Suny Ancient Greek Philosophy) - 9781438485645
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Opining Beauty Itself: The Ordinary Person and Plato's Forms (Suny Ancient Greek Philosophy)
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Orienting Italy: China Through The Lens Of Italian Filmmakers (Suny Series, Horizons Of Cinema)
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Other Emptiness, The: Rethinking the Zhentong Buddhist Discourse in Tibet
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Our Relations...the Mixed Bloods: Indigenous Transformation and Dispossession in the Western Great Lakes (Suny Series, Tribal Worlds: Critical Studies in American Ind)
$40.57State University of New York Press
Our War Paint Is Writers' Ink (Suny Series, Native Traces)
$40.57State University of New York Press