Size Matters: Understanding Monumentality Across Ancient Civilizations (Histoire)
$56.31transcript publishing
Social Robotics And The Good Life: The Normative Side Of Forming Emotional Bonds With Robots (Philosophy)
$73.55transcript publishing
Sound Formations: Towards A Sociological Thinking-With Sounds (Sociology)
$56.31transcript publishing
Southeast Asian Transformations: Urban And Rural Developments In The 21St Century (Global Studies)
$62.06transcript publishing
Space Production by Migrants in China's Urban Villages : The Case of Beijing
$67.80transcript publishing
Spaces Of Commemoration And Communication: A Novel Approach At The Mauthausen Memorial Visitor Center (Museum)
$56.31transcript publishing
Subjects of Substance: Recent American Literature and the Materiality of Mind (American Culture Studies)
$56.31transcript publishing
Sufficiency in Business : The Transformative Potential of Business for Sustainability
$62.06transcript publishing
Taking Sides: Theories, Practices, and Cultures of Participation in Dissent (Culture & Theory)
$56.31transcript publishing
Tangier/Gibraltar?A Tale of One City: An Ethnography (Culture and Social Practice)
$50.56transcript publishing
Teaching Research In Design: Guidelines For Integrating Scientific Standards In Design Education
$50.56transcript publishing
Tensional Responsiveness : Ecosomatic Aliveness And Sensitivity With Human And More-Than
$56.31transcript publishing
The Biosecurity Individual : A Cultural Critique of the Intersection Between Health, Security, and Identity
$73.55transcript publishing
The Bodies We Are (Not) : A Choreographic Research on Practicing Self-Distancing
$73.55transcript publishing
The Corporate Art Index: Twenty-one Ways to Work With Art (Cultural and Museum Management)
$50.56transcript publishing
The Discovery of Anxiousness : Philosophy and Mysticism in Baroque Portugal
$67.80transcript publishing
The Femininity Puzzle: Gender, Orientalism and the ??Jewish Other?½ (Historical Gender Studies)
$67.80transcript publishing
The Invention of ?¢Outsider Art?ï: Experiencing Practices of Othering in Contemporary Art Worlds in the UK (Image)
$67.80transcript publishing
The Lower !Garib - Orange River: Pasts And Presents Of A Southern African Border Region (Global Studies)
$67.80transcript publishing
The Making of Modern Subjects : Public Discourses on Korean Female Spectators in the Early Twentieth Century
$67.80transcript publishing
The Mediatization Of The O.J. Simpson Case: From Reality Television To Filmic Adaptation (Media Studies)
$67.80transcript publishing
The New Meatways And Sustainability: Discourses And Social Practices (Political Science)
$62.06transcript publishing
The Object As A Process: Essays Situating Artistic Practice (Culture & Theory)
$67.80transcript publishing
The Persistence of Technology: Histories of Repair, Reuse, and Disposal (Science Studies)
$56.31transcript publishing