Some Heroes Of The American Revolution In The South Carolina Upcountry. (French Edition)
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Surry County, Virginia, Wills, Estate Accounts And Inventories 1730-1800
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Tennessee Civil War Veteran Questionnaires, Vol. 3: Confederate Soldiers (Gailbraith-Kyle)
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Tennessee Civil War Veteran Questionnaires: Contains Confederates C-F: 2
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Tennessee Civil War Veteran Questionnaires: Contains Confederates R-Y: 5
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The Census Records of Elbert County, Georgia, 1820-1860 and Wilkes County, Georgia, 1850
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The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1625-1812
$42.80Southern Historical Press, Inc.
The Scotch-Irish and their First Settlement on the Tyger River and other neighboring precincts in South Carolina
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Virginia Marriages in Rev. John Cameron's Register and Bath Parish Register
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Virginia Tithables From Burned Record Counties: Buckingham, Gloucester, Hanover, James City And Stafford
$23.69Southern Historical Press, Inc.