Gary Paulsen: A Companion To The Young Adult Literature (Mcfarland Companions To Young Adult Literature)
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The Many Lives Of Ajax: The Trojan War Hero From Antiquity To Modern Times
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James Lee Burke: A Literary Companion (Mcfarland Literary Companions, 16)
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Thomas Mann And Shakespeare: Something Rich And Strange (New Directions In German Studies, 14)
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The Astral H.D.: Occult And Religious Sources And Contexts For H.D.'s Poetry And Prose
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The Divine Face In Four Writers: Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Hesse, And C. S. Lewis
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The Literature Of Reconstruction: Authentic Fiction In The New Millennium
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Cormac Mccarthy And The Signs Of Sacrament: Literature, Theology, And The Moral Of Stories
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Art As The Absolute: Art's Relation To Metaphysics In Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, And Schopenhauer
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Out Of Place: German Realism, Displacement And Modernity (New Directions In German Studies, 7)
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Russian Irrationalism From Pushkin To Brodsky: Seven Essays In Literature And Thought
$62.00Bloomsbury Academic