Living Technology: Philosophy And Ethics At The Crossroads Between Life And Technology
$119.47Jenny Stanford Publishing
Maqam Melodies : Pitches, Patterns, and Developments of Music in the Middle East and Other Microtonal Writings
$87.29Jenny Stanford Publishing
Medical Regulatory Affairs : An International Handbook For Medical Devices And Healthcare Products
$291.89Jenny Stanford Publishing
Megaliths, Music, and the Mind : A Transdisciplinary Exploration of Archaeoacoustics
$87.29Jenny Stanford Publishing
Metabolic Pathway Engineering: Analysis And Applications In The Life Sciences
$176.94Jenny Stanford Publishing
Modern Mechanobiology: Convergence of Biomechanics, Development, and Genomics
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Molecular Dynamics of Nanostructures and Nanoionics: Simulations in Complex Systems
$211.43Jenny Stanford Publishing
Multifunctional Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskite: Applications in Solar Cells, Light-Emitting Diodes, and Resistive Memory
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Muscle Contraction and Cell Motility : Fundamentals and Developments
$201.14Jenny Stanford Publishing