Bob Dylan And The Spheres Of Existence (Theology, Religion, And Pop Culture)
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Bonhoeffer And Climate Change: Theology And Ethics For The Anthropocene - 9781978701854
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Borderlands of Theological Education (The Borderlands of Theological Education)
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Building the Body of Christ : Christian Art, Identity, and Community in Late Antique Italy
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Building the Body of Christ: Christian Art, Identity, and Community in Late Antique Italy
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Christ, Church, And World: Bonhoeffer And Lutheran Ecclesiology After Christendom
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Christ, Church, And World: Bonhoeffer And Lutheran Ecclesiology After Christendom - 9781978708600
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Christ, Creation, And The Fall: Discerning Human Purpose From An Evolving Nature
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Christian Theology After Christendom : Engaging the Thought of Douglas John Hall
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Christian Theology After Christendom: Engaging The Thought Of Douglas John Hall
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Christianity Outside the Church : Pannenberg's Public Theology in Dialogue with Max Stackhouse
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Christianity, Otherization, and Contemporary Politics: A Postcolonial Reading
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Church as Fullness in All Things: Recasting Lutheran Ecclesiology in an Ecumenical Context
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Come and Read: Interpretive Approaches to the Gospel of John (Interpreting Johannine Literature)
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