This book is intended as a serious introduction to the studyof mathematical analysis. In contrast to calculus, mathematical analysis does not involve formula manipulation, memorizing integrals or applications to other fields of science. No.It involves geometric intuition and proofs of theorems. It ispure mathematics! Given the mathematical preparation andinterest of our intended audience which, apart from mathematics majors, includes students of statistics, computer science, physics, students of mathematics education and students of engineering, we have not given the axiomatic development of the real number system. However, we assumethat the reader is familiar with sets and functions. This bookis divided into two parts. Part I covers elements of mathematical analysis which include: the real number system, bounded subsets of real numbers, sequences of real numbers, monotone sequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, Cauchysequences and completeness of R, continuity, intermediatevalue theorem, continuous maps on [a, b], uniform continuity, closed sets, compact sets, differentiability, series of nonnegative real numbers, alternating series, absolute and conditional convergence; and re-arrangement of series. The contents of Part I are adequate for a semester course in mathematical analysis at the 200 level. Part II covers Riemannintegrals. In particular, the Riemann integral, basic properties of Riemann integral, pointwise convergence of sequencesof functions, uniform convergence of sequences of functions, series of real-valued functions: term by term differentiationand integration; power series: uniform convergence of powerseries; uniform convergence at end points; and equi-continuity are covered. Part II covers the standard syllabus for asemester mathematical analysis course at the 300 level. Thetopics covered in this book provide a reasonable preparationfor any serious study of higher mathematics. But for one toreally benefit from the book, one must spend a great deal ofixtime on it, studying the contents very carefully and attempting all the exercises, especially the miscellaneous exercises atthe end of the book. These exercises constitute an importantintegral part of the book.Each chapter begins with clear statements of the most important theorems of the chapter. The proofs of these theoremsgenerally contain fundamental ideas of mathematical analysis. Students are therefore encouraged to study them verycarefully and to discover these id
- | Author: Chidume O. C
- | Publisher: Ibadan University Press
- | Publication Date: Aug 29, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 404 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 9788456324
- | ISBN-13: 9789788456322