This richly illustrated publication allows us to look over the shoulder of Matthijs Maris (1839-1917) as he paints his pictures. This self-opinionated artist spent his entire career in search of a painting method that would steer clear of actual reality, but never talked much about this method. Fifteen key works have been subjected to extensive scientific study and sources have been researched. For the first time, it is possible to answer questions about the structure of his paintings and the way he combined different materials. The book also reveals what the artist did to achieve the detachment he sought both in his work and in his personal life. His studios in The Hague, London and Paris and the stores in which he bought his supplies also get their fair share of attention. Maris's painting technique, experimental zeal and unorthodox work process are discussed extensively.
| Author: Matthijs Maris, Suzanne Veldink, Laura Raven