Had it not been for our brave and gallant freedom fighters; India would still be enslaved by the blood-sucking colonisers. Mahatma Gandhi; Mangal Pandey; Bhagat Singh; Subhash Chandra Bose; Veer Savarkasr; Lokmanya Tilak; Chandrashekhar Azad followed another end of the pole; upholding the use of violence to attain the much-elusive freedom and independence. This book is an inspriational collection of 50 Greatest Freedom Fighters who had different stratagems in mind; but all functioned as juggernauts in the National upsurge to battle psychological and corporeal slavery. The pleasant surprise in this list of freedom fighters is that it is not just dominated by male presence; but females also figure in this list. Even the homemakers were brought out of their comfort zones and fight alongside men; painting a feminist picture in the National struggle for freedom. It is hard to forget strong women like Sarojini Naidu to mention a few; who were fearless in the face of danger. This work commemorates all these freedom fighters; without whom India would still be trapped within the shackles of slavery. It is a tribute to all those great souls!