Soulful Nutrition unfolds a riveting tale as Amelia, a determined nutritionist, unravels the mysteries of the Nutrivox Arcanum, an ancient culinary manuscript. Faced with a poisoned plot and shadows from her enigmatic past, Amelia embarks on a journey through secret gardens, clandestine competitions, and hidden rituals. Guided by an enigmatic mentor, she discovers her familial ties to an ancient lineage of nutritionists. As the city's culinary elite becomes entangled in an organization's sinister influence, Amelia's destiny converges with the Nutrivox Arcanum, unleashing transformative revelations. In a climactic culinary gathering, the essence of soulful nutrition clashes with the shadows of manipulation, leading to a vibrant awakening. Will Amelia's courage and newfound enlightenment redefine the city's culinary narrative? "Soulful Nutrition" is a suspenseful odyssey where tradition meets contemporary challenges in a quest for culinary enlightenment.
- | Author: Marcillinus O
- | Publisher: NA
- | Publication Date: Mar 06, 2024
- | Number of Pages: NA pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 9111452641
- | ISBN-13: 9789111452649