The introduction of the first computer in India in 1957 caused concern among the people, who were concerned about job loss. The United States produced the world's first electronic digital computer, the UNIV AC-I, in 1951 using vacuum tubes. Eventually, vacuum tubes were replaced by integrated circuits, which are small electronic chips with high processing capabilities. In 1980, the first PC was made available for purchase in India, and it quickly spread across the workplace and families. The rapid processing of information and easy exchange of information have significantly impacted the development of the Information Age. People now have the ability to share their information, resources, and processing load independently. The Internet, a massive network of computers worldwide, was the next significant advancement, transforming the way businesses operate. Access to the internet in India began in 1992, coinciding with India's decision to open its economy to the outside world through the globalisation movement.
- | Author: C. Miya
- | Publisher: C.Miya
- | Publication Date: Jun 14, 2023
- | Number of Pages: 190 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 797038563X
- | ISBN-13: 9787970385634