2017/2018 (German Edition)
Walter de Gruyter
The Musil Forum, a publication of the International Robert Musil Society, is an interdisciplinary platform for research on the literature of classical modernity, especially the works of Robert Musil (!880-1942). Volume 35, titled "Poetics of the 9783110579444 3110579448 0 BOOK Literary Criticism http://books.google.com/books/content?id=DCN_tAEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api http://books.google.com/books/content?id=DCN_tAEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api de 9783110579444
- | Author: Norbert Christian Wolf, Rosmarie Zeller
- | Publisher: Walter De Gruyter
- | Publication Date: Feb 01, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 393 pages
- | Language: German
- | Binding: Hardcover
- | ISBN-10: 3110579448
- | ISBN-13: 9783110579444
- Author:
- Norbert Christian Wolf, Rosmarie Zeller
- Publisher:
- Walter De Gruyter
- Publication Date:
- Feb 01, 2019
- Number of pages:
- 393 pages
- Language:
- German
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- ISBN-10:
- 3110579448
- ISBN-13:
- 9783110579444