Fated To Shift

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Because excerps will be more explicit than a summary... "Our village has changed a lot. It was fated to shift." "These thousands of women give us an image of loyalty, sincerity, strength, bravery and patience. All of them, famous and unknown, have our eternal respect and admiration." "Like their illustrious predecessors, they were mothers, wives, sisters... They had black, gray, blond hair... They were teachers, merchants, housewives... They were present when the men were no longer able." "Only women who were already mothers were chosen. Because only a mother had in her the sense of ultimate self-sacrifice. Such were the guardians of the city." "Equality never existed. There had always been only the strong and the weak. Some by their intelligence, their work, their will, destinate to dominate. The others, by their pusillanimity, dedicated to serve. There was no third way out. At best some of the weak were called to become strong and while waiting for this evolution they had to remain humble." "We have played the electoral game, the game of your rotting democracy. You reproach us for not wanting to assimilate to your world! But what should we assimilate to? To your decadent Western civilisation? Do you want to impose on us your fashions that strip women's bodies and expose them to everyone's view like pieces of meat in a butcher's stall? - We defend progress, tolerance, benevolence." "Westerners have forgotten God. - You know on this point I share your observation. - Our civilisation has fallen into moral relativism while yours still resists. Our civilisation is slowly dying while yours still lives, wants to live and expand." "The Qur'an is the revelation intended to accompany humanity until the end of time. It is a closed world, self-sufficient, just as our universe is a closed world too. This tangle of narratives mirrors the tangle we see in nature. This is how the narrations are given in the Qur'an."

  • | Author: Hamim Qasas
  • | Publisher: Books on Demand
  • | Publication Date: Jul 20, 2022
  • | Number of Pages: 392 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback/Fiction
  • | ISBN-10: 2322441228
  • | ISBN-13: 9782322441228
Hamim Qasas
Books on Demand
Publication Date:
Jul 20, 2022
Number of pages:
392 pages