Parker's mother always said he jumped into things without thinking first, and that's exactly what he did when he saw Dakota, cold and hungry, fending for herself on the city streets. How could he ignore the pain and fear in her dark eyes? Dakota was eager to go to school and she made friends quickly, eager to make up for a dismal childhood full of deprivation and abuse by enjoying every moment she could. But there was something wrong with Dakota. It wasn't just the hollowness in her eyes or her traumatic past. Others sensed it too and warned Parker not to get too close to Dakota. But despite his questions, he just can't help falling for her. Dakota holds her secrets close, and Parker is worried that if he pushes too hard for answers, she'll just run away.
- | Author: P. D. Workman
- | Publisher: P.D. Workman
- | Publication Date: May 01, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 352 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Hardcover
- | ISBN-10: 1988390621
- | ISBN-13: 9781988390628