Torah Study & D'var Torah Writing for the 21st Century! Featuring... - Full retellings of the Biblical text - written at a teen level! - Great advice on ways to approach the Biblical text! - Handy charts and organizers for tracking student progress, preparing a D'var Torah and learning the melodies for Torah trop! - Blessings for all customs and traditions! Links to maps and resources (ebook / ePub edition only)! - Easy instructions for putting on tallit and tefillin! - Useful timeline of Biblical history and events! English texts include: - Shemot / Exodus 35: 1 to 38: 20 - Blessings for reading the Torah (traditional and alternative) Hebrew texts include: - Shemot / Exodus 35: 1 - 20 (three aliyot) - Blessings for reading the Torah (traditional and alternative)
| Author: Elliott Michaelson Majs
| Publisher: Adventure Judaism Classroom Solutions, Inc.