Emotional Intelligence: Lessons How To Impact On People The concept of being "Emotionally Intelligent" has not been around forever but the idea seems so fundamental to who we are as human beings many may wonder why it took so long to try and measure one's emotional intelligence? How intelligent do you have to be to be emotional and how emotional do you have to be to be intelligent? It may seem like quite a conundrum at first glance but this book aims to answer that much thought over question. And in just a few pages we will go over the basic rudimentary concepts have being able to have socially productive and successful communication by employing the basic tenants of emotional intelligence. If you have ever had those embarrassing awkward moments spurned by a low sense of EQ, whether it was at the bar or the board room, it would do you some good to brush up on some emotional etiquette. In this book we will discover: How to use body language in a positive manner How to understand the motives of others How to turn situations into win-win's How to stay cool under pressure Download your E book "Emotional Intelligence: Lessons How To Impact On People" by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now with 1-Click" button!