Regaining Control offers an inside look into the world of sex offender treatment. It answers difficult questions such as: Why do men commit sexual abuse? What role does family history play in abuse? How can abusers regain control over the thoughts and feelings that contributed to their behavior? The Regaining Control workbook answers these questions in the words of those who have undertaken the difficult process of change. It covers a wide range of topics including: * Sex and relationships * Paraphilias and deviant sexual interests * Sexual assault * Incest * Goals * Dealing with strong emotions * Pornography and sex addiction * Ethics and empathy * The change process * Life purpose and giving back. Regaining Control is intended for use in the group sex offender treatment setting. It provides a comprehensive treatment program that can be customized to meet the needs of the individual client. It uses the latest discoveries in brain research to discuss the role of the executive and emotional brain. As clients work through the workbook, they regain control of problem thinking and learn to manage strong emotions by working toward their good life.