God are you really real? God are you really real back of book In this book you travel down the thoughts of Rashawn Griffin Jr a little boy who grew up in a house cultivated in Christ! With his mom being a Prophetess/ Pastor and hearing about God all the time. He had many Questions and he wanted some answers! Like Jesus said "suffer not the little one to come to me." This Book captures the thoughts that goes on in the mind of a child that knows the name of God by exposure but may not know if God is really real? Or just a mythical being. Rashawn's mom Prophetess Lana Carrington did an awesome job capturing all of Rashawn's thoughts & questions inquiring about God! God are you really real? "God are you really real? Is a great bedtime story to read to your children... take it from a mother of five children ." Pastor Lola Love. I dedicate this book to my babies. Big and small. But this book is inspired by all the questions Rashawn Griffin Jr asked. So I decided to put it in a book so thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on what you thought about God. Now you can answer millions of other Little children your age or older questions. Thanks my lil helper. Mommie loves you!