Pipology 101 will start the new Forex trader the right way so they can begin driving their money train down the right tracks directly to the bank. By knowing what to study from the start you can greatly reduce the huge learning curve there is in this business to be able to make money in the live currency market on a consistent basis.There is a certain progression of steps that every new Forex trader must follow to become a consistently profitable professional trader; there are absolutely no short cuts. Should any brand new Forex trader decide to try to side step any part of the proper education and training and try to go into the live currency markets before you have become consistent on a demo account for however long it takes, you stand the chance of your money train going wildly off the tracks and losing all of your capital.Beginner Forex traders can use Pipology 101 as an overview or a guide if you will to what to study and learn first to become consistently profitable trading Forex. I give you concise information as to what to learn first and what to look for as far as the information is concerned. I tell you only the most critical things to learn first because those are absolutely the most important and the ones that will make you money right away if you do them.