'Are you here already, Mary?' says His Mother without turning round. 'Come, come, look at this rose! And these poor lilies. They will all die if we do not assist them. Bring also some small canes to hold up this falling stalk.' 'I will bring You everything, Mother.' Mary springs round eyes wide open then with a cry runs with outstretched arms to Her Son, Who with arms opened wide is waiting for Her with the most loving smile. 'Oh! My Son!' 'Mother! Dear!' Their embrace is long and loving 'Why, Son, did You come at this time of day? You are purple red and perspiring like a sodden sponge. Come inside. That I may dry and refresh You. I will bring You a fresh tunic and clean sandals. My Son! My Son! Why go about in this heat! The plants are dying because of the heat and You, My Flower, are going about.' 'It was to come to You as soon as possible, Mother.' 'Oh! My dear! Are You thirsty? You must be. I will now prepare...' 'Yes, I am thirsty for Your kisses, Mother. And for Your caresses. Let Me stay like this, with My head on Your shoulder, as when I was a little boy... Oh! Mother! How I miss You!' 'Tell Me to come, Son, and I will. What did You lack because of My absence? The food You like? Clean clothes? A well-made bed? Oh! My Joy, tell Me what You lacked. Your servant, My Lord, will endeavour to provide.' 'Nothing, but You.' Jesus sits on the chest near the wall, embraces Mary Who is in front of Him, resting His head on Her heart and kissing Her now and again. Now He stares at Her: 'Let Me look at You to My heart's content, holy Mother of Mine.' 'Your tunic first. It is not good for You to remain so damp. Come. ' Jesus obeys. 'I have come with My disciples and friends but I left them in Melcha's wood. They will come tomorrow at dawn. I... I could not wait any longer. My Mother!... ' and He kisses Her hands. 'Tomorrow...tomorrow You will attend to My friends and I to the Nazarenes. But this evening You are My Friend and I am Yours. I brought You... Oh! Mother: I found the shepherds of Bethlehem. And I brought You two of them... And I brought You also one who needs You to control himself...'
- | Author: Lamb Books
- | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jan 06, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 126 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1983637289
- | ISBN-13: 9781983637285