words words words i am sick and tired of words show me is the first stanza of my fair lady. when the American psychiatric association published DSM five they went too far. they created a world where they now had the final say on what was and was not mad. Indeed they even created the ultimate diagnoses "mental illness not otherwise specified" to ensure universal coverage. far from freeing the world of mental health problems psychiatry has enslaved this generation in a pseudo scientific delusion of mental illness. Why we decided to bring out our DSM Zero is simple we read parts of DSM five and decided enough is enough and we need to respond. DSM Zero is our response let people write their stories and define for themselves what their mental wellbeing is about. Lets face it we can't do any worse than Psychiatrists have. Within these pages you are safe to say what you need to without judgment or others agendas, This Notebook is great for consumers, professionals, families and friends. And dare we say it Buy one for your Psychiatrist you never Know they may Recover.