As the Holy Spirit awakens me in the morning I meditate. As I meditate He places a word in my spirit. The words that God have been giving me for passages every morning, are words that range from Press to Swish Swash, I would have days where I would ask the Lord what in the world am I supposed to do with that word. Well sure enough, an inspirational passage would soon be developed after that. I have been walking in this assignment for nearly two years now. I realize He gave me a platform and this is now a part of my ministry. I have been faithful to this assignment I do not miss a morning. He is using me to encourage people every day. At this point I have written well over five hundred passages. As you read each inspirational passage there is a picture attached to the passage. What I have also learned was to recognize the beauty of God's creations in the world around me. As I am out, and about certain things catch my eye. I have learned to appreciate the beauty of nature. The pictures may not necessarily correspond with what the words of the passage are reflecting; however, what I have learned is no matter what situation you are facing there is always something beautiful in the world that surrounds us. All we have to do is take the time to meditate, reflect and allow our natural surroundings to be a natural psychotic drug that will make us appreciate where we are no matter the situation. I challenge you to find beauty in the world that surrounds you and capture it.