A gripping romantic thriller that will take you on a ride into the world of drugs, obsession and fear, testing family loyalties. -- Author Sesna Eden Widower, Dirk Dennison, is finally free of the wife who abandoned him and their young son, seven years earlier. Now his twin sister Desi, has once again fallen for the bad boy. It is a race against time to save her from the psychopath who almost destroyed her once before. Dirk, and his new love interest, single mother, Tessa Mikkelsen, go on a mission to save Desi and discover a love so deep, nothing can break it. Can this new love survive a betrayal that could devastate their families? *This is the first part of a duo.
- | Author: Shauna Marie, Loretta St Paul
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: May 04, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 362 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1980996849
- | ISBN-13: 9781980996842