Raw terror filled the populace of London in the year of 1888 as the sounds of rending flesh echoed in the darkness. The squalid and disreputable inhabitants of Whitechapel found themselves both enthralled and frightened. A maniacal killer stalked through the dingy darkness with ghoulish delight. The lives of women who filled their purse with coin and bodies with pleasure were being spent a final time. Three would come to experience their own truths of the one christened by blood as, "The Ripper." Thaddeus Walker. Evil was about to take him on an unimaginable journey to a destination he could never conceive. Was he capable of escaping the monster that threatened to tear apart not only his body but also his mind? Jackson. He would have the world know his name and deeds, his ego demanding no less. Would such pride elevate him into history or would it erase his name, as he and it be torn to pieces? Lillie. She would play a pivotal role in the campaign of the renderer of flesh by using the power contained within her. Would the price of the ensnarement exceed what she was willing to pay?