It is the sad case that Papua New Guinea has few commercially established general publishers. This has been true since before Independence in 1975. The reasons for this situation are manifold but the relatively small market for Papua New Guinean literature, both within the country and internationally is of significance. An international lack of interest and ignorance of Papua New Guinea affairs and a rapidly declining literacy rate within the country are also factors. Until very recently most of the books published by Papua New Guinean writers have been self-published and distributed by the authors. This was and still is expensive and limits the size of print runs possible. It is only in the last few years that such technologies as print-on-demand, eBooks and Internet distribution have made the process cheaper. Perhaps the saddest fact is that Papua New Guinea has an over-abundance of talented writers, poets and essayists. This has become apparent over the last five years of the annual Crocodile Prize Literary Awards - an initiative so far controlled from outside the country. Remember Me is a classic example of the dilemma facing Papua New Guinean writers. The collection was largely compiled in the mid-1980s but sat on the shelf collecting dust because no publisher could be found for it. When you read the stories you will realise what a great shame this was. The stories still have a vibrancy and relevance almost thirty years after they were written and are a testament to the talents of the writers represented. Please enjoy them.