Preface 5 Introduction 7 Chapter I: What Is Scholastic Philosophy? 22 Section 1: Scholastic Philosophy 22 Section 2: Neo-Scholastic Philosophy 45 Chapter II: Scholastic Logic 54 Chapter III: Scholastic Metaphysics 60 Section 1: Existence of Metaphysics 60 Section 2: Scholastic Theory of Act and Potency 63 Section 3: Scholastic Theory of Substance 68 Section 4: Scholastic Theory of Cause 86 Chapter IV: Scholastic Cosmology 103 Section 1: Chief Hypotheses as to the Constitution of Matter 103 Section 2: Nature and Properties of Primordial Matter 108 Section 3: Nature and Properties of the Substantial Form 119 Section 4: Modern Science and the Constitution of Matter 125 Chapter V: Scholastic Psychology 137 Section 1: Theory of Abstraction 137 Section 2: Nature of the Human Soul 142 Section 3: Attributes of God 151 Chapter VI: Scholastic Natural Theology 156 Section 1: Natural and Revealed Theology 156 Section 2: Proofs of God's Existence 157 Section 3: Attributes of God 162 Chapter VII: Scholastic Moral Philosophy 167 Chapter VIII: Forerunners of the Neo-Scholastic Revival 187 Chapter IX: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Italy 192 Chapter X: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Spain, Portugal, and Spanish America 210 Section 1: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Spain 210 Section 2: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Portugal 221 Section 3: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Mexico 223 Section 4: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in South America 230 Chapter XI: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Germany, Austria and Switzerland 236 Chapter XII: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in France 245 Chapter XIII: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Belgium 259 Chapter XIV: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Other European Countries 270 Section 1: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Hungary, Bohemia, and the Netherlands 270 Section 2: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in England 275 Chapter XV: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in the United States and Canada 279 Section 1: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in the United States 279 Section 2: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Canada 294 Notes 299 Bibliography of the Neo-Scholastic Literature 322