A young boy in his formative years begins to develop his personality in the form of his father, a strong silent type. His early years are ones of adventure and exploration. At the age of twelve, his father decides to implement some discipline and work ethic into the boy with a vivid imagination and playful disposition. The boy decides to accept this process as part of his right of passage toward manhood. During my Sophomore year of High School, I find out my father molested my oldest sister. I know had a decision to make in my mind. Do I continue down a path that is contrary to my developing beliefs or stay the course no matter what or why? If I chose to take the path I started on but would run counter to a very strong dictatorial cult-like family atmosphere. How does one break away? What tools would I use? The tools included the Bible and Military Code of Ethics. This transformation would be very difficult and try as loneliness was a constant companion. I love my father and wanted to work it out but only if he got help. He could not. I had to move on. I would emerge from loneliness and despair. I would find happiness and success as I launched my own life as a man. I share my journey for those who face a challenge and to show that there is a way out. This was my way out.