****EXCLUSIVE SIGNED BY BOTH AUTHORS EDITION!**** The Hangman has returned to Haven. After a killing spree that ended with twelve people dead, he vanished. Almost ten years have passed with no new evidence, no fresh information on the killer's identity and only one clue. It's a simple word: Unpublicized. Even that hasn't given police much to go on. But if they looked closely, they could have stopped him. And one woman still can. Elizabeth Walsh had investigated the The Hangman's killings even before the academy. Over the years, she's surmised the following: His kills are random, no one knows what brings on sudden sprees and very few people know how he got his name. She knows that the twelve people he killed assisted in playing a deadly game. Now, The Hangman wants to play with her. It's a simple game: "Let's play." He leaves four blank letters on her front door. "Four letter word for challenge." D.A.R.E ***This book is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone novel***