In this third installment of the local best-seller Charlotte Reade Mystery series, Charlotte lands the role of a lifetime and tracks down a restaurant thief. Settling into her family home in New Orleans after eighteen years of showbiz life in Los Angeles, Charlotte is chosen to play one of the "7 Sisters" in the latest Clarence Pool movie. Even as her days become filled with her old lifestyle and friends from L.A., Charlotte continues her love affair with New Orleans. Spending rare free time with her new beau, they enjoy live music, the French Quarter and the Saints game commemorating the five year anniversary of the team's return to the Superdome after The Storm. While egos flare up on the set of "7 Sisters," the burglary of a hip, new restaurant has the city talking about the identity of the person who broke-in just to steal recipes. As Charlotte trains for martial arts fight scenes and dialogue with award winners, she gets pulled into the whodunnit and continues down the path to her own family's secrets and the eerie chandelier with a mind of its own.
- | Author: Laura Cayouette
- | Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Oct 18, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 268 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1978355599
- | ISBN-13: 9781978355590