A wealthy Chicago businessman Ralph has it all. Beautiful wife and kids, a mansion of a house and the fastest cars a man can drive. Things are going great until tragedy strikes Ralph wife. Laying on her death bed in the hospital on the ventilator, Ralph never left his wife bedside. Staying away from work for so long Ralph lost his job. Not long after losing his job did his health insurance get dropped. Paying all the bills at the house while he was away from work cut their bank account down substantially. Now needing the money for his wife to have a major heart surgery Ralph is pressed in between a rock and a hard place. Trying to maintain his household and be there for his love Ralph is under major stress. He is forced to get the money from another source. He finds out his wife has a secret of her own. Ralph teams up with his best friends' cousin to do a bank heist. The moment he steps in the doors of the bank his life changes forever. But