Have you ever sensed the presence of something so intense, you could not fathom the dread it invoked? Or take a romantic walk alone? Like a stalker? What is it about the weird and mysterious that grasps our curiosity? All weird and mysterious phenomena are normal occurrences if the laws governing them can be rationally figured. It is only our ignorance that prevents us from accepting them as such. The six tales written and illustrated make for narratives that aim to question our core beliefs and opinions. Inspired by real events, the tales are meant to both entertain and mystify readers that enjoy the thrill of a dare. Chances are you might find common cause with the way the tales unfold. Here's hoping you have some weird fun. First-time Author/Illustrator, Munna Mukerji has taken the time to visualize both a creative and insightful look into the weird and incorporated it into a personal style of storytelling. Munna Mukerji worked in the arena of Quality Assurance of Information Technology for a period of twenty years. In this duration, he found time to do his bit by way of charity and directed four documentaries to further the charitable institutions' cause. He has two movie scripts offered for options. A larger researched book, titled "Wide, Wild World of Animals" is in the offing for publication. The author/illustrator hopes the tales are enjoyed and looks forward to presenting more over time. Make sure you don't text or read while you drive. You are not alone.