What puts the smile on Your face? Listen to the smilers! They tell us what puts the wattage behind their room-brightening smiles. Here are some of their sparkling words within this book. Each of them sings differently, but their smiles will brighten your day: * He puts the smile on my face! * I freaking love pizza. * Some of the positive forces of the planet put a smile on my face. * God, and I'm in love! * My husband if good some days. * I have a chronic disease that has helped me to think positively. * I love people! * When I'm waking up in the morning and my boyfriend is kissing me. * Simple pleasures. Seeing someone smile. And butter. And Sunshine. * Joy shines in your smile. * I just got married. * A good cup of coffee. * Colorful flowers. * I smile at other people because my smile may be the only smile they get all day. * Babies. *