Soldier's manual and trainer's guide for the US Army Special Forces Weapon Sergeant. You've never seen anything like this. This manual is printed in easy-to-read 6 x 9, perfect-bound paperback format, not some ring-bound computer printout. Proudly printed in the USA! Publications in this series include: STP 31-18-SM-TG Special Forces Common Skills STP 31-18B34-SM-TG MOS 18B Special Forces Weapons Sergeant STP 31-18C34-SM-TG MOS 18C Special Forces Engineer Sergeant STP 31-18D34-SM-TG A MOS 18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant PART A STP 31-18D34-SM-TG B MOS 18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant PART B STP 31-18E34-SM-TG MOS 18E Special Forces Communications Sergeant STP 31-18F4-SM-TG MOS 18F Special Forces Assistant Operations and Intelligence Sergeant