There is no doubt about it, 9/11/2001 changed the world. We learned that terrorists in the name of Islam were able to attack the United States Mainland. The response to the attack by the United States and its allies was swift and brutal. As the United States made Inroads against groups like Al Qaeda, it was expecting that terrorism would decrease. That is not what happened. It actually got worse. Why did it get worse though? What is fueling this anger? It can't just be because America attacked Iraq or Al Qaeda. It is much deeper than that. What is really fueling this hate for Americans and the west is radical Islam and certain Islamic principles in general. The only way we can address these issues is by helping Islam evolve some of its core principles to fit into the modern world. In Ayaan Hirsi Ali's: Heretic, she addresses the problems within Islam that inspires terror and how to remedy it. Enjoy!