Crush 'Maidan II': Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 44, Issue 34

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Aug. 16-The "Russiagate" campaign to delegitimize and overthrow the President has been seriously damaged by the revelation that the Russians did not hack the Democratic National Committee. As the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity published, and as the Nation magazine republished, the DNC emails were leaked by an insider, not hacked. Since then, the American version of the British Color Revolutions conducted internationally, has opened a new front against the President-the all-consuming American wound called the race card. All psychological-warfare operations of this kind are based on population profiles of what seem to be irresolvable problems within the targeted society. Let us be very clear. There is an outbreak of the purest hypocrisy on this issue now taking place in the United States, with outright genocidalists and eugenicists, such as George H.W. Bush (NSSM 200, Willy Horton, crack cocaine throughout the nation's ghettos), George W. Bush (Mr. Compassionate Conservative, purchaser and destroyer of the African-American clergy, killer of millions), and Larry Summers ("let's dump toxic waste on Africa"), all coming forward to decry the President's alleged moral equivocation on the issue of race. The President was absolutely correct in implying that this was a staged event for political purposes. He was more than correct when he stated that the only solution to the issue of race in America is productive jobs. That was the point emphasized by Lyndon LaRouche in a report he wrote in the 1970s called "What Ever Happened to Integration?" It is as applicable today as it was when it was written. Ask yourself whether the business executives now abandoning Trump and proclaiming themselves diversity fiends, have done a damn thing about creating productive jobs in the United States over the last 20 years. The presidency of Barack Obama, and its equation of identity politics with social progress, created the present caldron in the United States. There was absolutely no economic progress made under Obama's reign-only the flooding of the ghettos with drugs, gangs, and economic despair. It is standard British counterinsurgency practice to pit ideologically conditioned gangs against one another in an endless cycle of violence and murder, a strategy perfected in the British war against the Mau Mau in Kenya by Brig. General Frank Kitson, and called just that, "gang/countergang." In the case of Charlottesville, both gangs in the action were either controlled by the FBI or by other trained intelligence operatives on the scene. The Klan and White Supremers on the scene, Richard Spencer and David Duke, are long-time assets in the FBI orbit. Duke was largely a George H.W. Bush creation. It turns out that the other major figure, Jason Kessler, now proclaimed to be "Alt Right," was actually an Obama activist until November 2016, and participated heavily in "Occupy Wall Street." Some say he was an assignment editor at that point for CNN. A strange metamorphosis, to say the least.

  • | Author: Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr.
  • | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • | Publication Date: Aug 25, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 54 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1975889150
  • | ISBN-13: 9781975889159
Lyndon H. Larouche, Jr.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date:
Aug 25, 2017
Number of pages:
54 pages