In this amazing book you will learn 20 Poker Hacks that you haven't discovered anywhere else. Most of the people want to play poker for living but they never learn the right ways to do so. Here in this 20 Poker Hacks book you will learn the right ways to play poker for living. Often people lose in poker game because they are unaware of some don'ts but this book will guide you properly what you should not do so that you may win. In this book you will learn all the tactics that will enable you to successfully go through the poker game. Apart from this some pros suggestions are given that aims to guide you properly. You will learn that what tactics are being used by successful pokers around the world. If you are intended to start poker game for living then don't overlook this book and get started in a smart way! The main topic included in 20 Poker Hacks are: Online Poker hacks Poker for beginners Poker game for living Some do's and don'ts while playing poker Pros helpful suggestions regarding poker game Some tactics to play poker game successfully Difference between online poker game and the one that is played in casinos and homes And much more!