Praying Through 1 Thessalonians To Philemon

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The Apostle Paul wrote more books of the Bible than any other person (thirteen). His writings, starting with Romans, have given insight into a person's faith in Christ unparalleled by any other author. And all this coming from the man who persecuted the church. These six books of the Bible cover a wide range of topics from church roles to church discipline, the character of Christians to the rebels trying to disrupt the church, from modern times to end times. Paul wrote two of these books to a church in Thessalonica in Greece. He then wrote two more to Timothy, a pastor in Ephesus found today in Turkey and a letter to Titus, a pastor on the remote island of Crete. Finally, a personal letter appears in the often-forgotten (but wonderfully metaphorical) letter to Philemon. These six books of Bible cover the strengths and weaknesses of many different churches in many different areas. They address the problems and the successes as these new churches struggled to overcome the worldly influence of ungodly regions of the earth. Sound familiar? 1 Thessalonians to Philemon are as much applicable today as they were nearly 2,000 years ago. PRAYING THROUGH THE BIBLE SERIES recognizes the power of God speaking to mankind through His Scriptures. God's word was not only meant to be read, but applied. We must apply ourselves to these passages and adjust our lives to God's will. Today, God uses many ways to speak to us. This book incorporates those avenues of communication to ensure that God will speak to you during your quiet time with Him. Each section asks the reader to do six things.1. Read the passage. Open up the Bible and read His Word.2. Memorize the passage. A certain verse is given special focus. Commit it to memory. Remember it all day.3. Understand the passage. Background information (Time, Characters, Place, What's Happening) help you to understand the context of the section you are reading.4. Read the prayer. Read the written prayer as if it is from your heart. Don't recite them as words from a page, but a plea from your soul.5. Keep praying. Prayer prompts are there to help you continue praying about other specific areas. Listen to the Holy Spirit and see if there is more you need to pray.6. Journal your thoughts. In the space provided, write down some thoughts that you feel God said to your during this time. Every five sections I've included a "Prayer Thoughts" page to give you more room to journal your thoughts and write down prayer requests as you go through the Bible. Get ready to spend some quality time with God. Get ready for God to speak to you through His Word.

  • | Author: Troy Schmidt
  • | Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • | Publication Date: Aug 19, 2017
  • | Number of Pages: 118 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1975621786
  • | ISBN-13: 9781975621780
Troy Schmidt
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date:
Aug 19, 2017
Number of pages:
118 pages