This book is a refreshing and enlightening analysis about Islam as revealed in the Quran, based purely on the Quran itself. Islam of the Quran is called Deen, which is not a religion, but a complete system of life provided by Allah for the whole of humanity. The author scrutinises various aspects of Islam, including the purpose of creation; the meaning of life; the human self and its development; the Permanent Values and the concept of Allah as a model and requirement for the development of the human self to take place; how human accountability is based on the working of the Law of Requital; what human immortality is and the life in the hereafter; the rationale for the Quranic system of sustenance based on providing for the needs of the whole of mankind; the laws governing the rise and fall of nations; the status and rights of woman according to the Quran. This book is for everyone who wishes to discover the purpose of human life as explained in the Quran itself and the Quranic perspective on many issues of life.