Timely and proper disposal of obsoleteships in the National Defense ReserveFleet-older ships designated for usein national emergencies-is critical toprotecting the environment. Becausethese ships often contain hazardousmaterials, members of Congress andothers have raised issues about theenvironmental concerns. As part of theDepartment of Transportation,MARAD's Ship Disposal Programserves as the federal government'sagent for competing and awardingcontracts for recycling the ships'materials. Congress has requiredMARAD's ship disposal program toaward ship recycling contracts toqualified ship recycling facilities on thebasis of best value. The Coast Guardand Maritime Transportation Act of2012 mandated that GAO reviewMARAD's source selection proceduresand practices used to award shiprecycling contracts.In this report, GAO assessedMARAD's (1) source selection process;(2) communication strategy with shiprecycling contractors; and (3) long-termship disposal strategy. To completethis work, GAO reviewed and analyzeddocumentation on MARAD'squalification process, source selectionprocedures, and strategies; andinterviewed MARAD and all of itsqualified ship recycling contractors.
- | Author: Government Accountability Office
- | Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- | Publication Date: Jul 28, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 34 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1973974487
- | ISBN-13: 9781973974482