PHARMACOLOGY WORKBOOKAre you planning on studying pharmacology? Then make sure you get this questions-only workbook with your pharmacology book or flashcards. When it comes to pharmacology, more is always better. You can never be sure enough that you know everything you will get asked about. That's why this book was created; to serve as an additional resource in your quest to pass the pharmacology exam.This workbook contains over 350 of the most important questions and exercises every pharmacology student must know. Are you able to answer them all correctly? Order this book to find out!An incursion into any branch of medicine cannot be complete without afundamental understanding of the principles of pharmacology.What is the chemical nature of drugs? How do they act in the body? What are their adverseeffects and contraindications? These are just some of the important questionsthat pharmacology answers.This Pharmacology Workbook aims to complement any textbook. Once you'rethrough the textbook, you can test your knowledge using the exercises givenin this workbook. On the other hand, if you're already feeling pretty confidentabout your Pharma know-how, you can jump directly to the exercises in thisworkbook and see how you score.