The Dragons' Duel follows the story of siblings Kayah and Sakuris Kaemouri who were orphaned in childhood when their hometown was destroyed in an event known as the "Great Destruction." Journeying through war-torn Japan, they must now learn to cope with things such as growing up, falling in love, confronting the past, and protecting their future. New to the publishing game, Johnathon started out as a hobby writer who is now seeking to make a career of the said hobby. Born in 1986, he started writing at a young age and has since matured as an author. Currently, he resides in North Carolina.
- | Author: Johnathon Daugherty
- | Publisher: Johnathon Daugherty
- | Publication Date: May 26, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 250 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1958122734
- | ISBN-13: 9781958122730