Fiction, short novel. In the tradition of Borges, the novel follows the story of Marcos, a young man obsessed with mathematical theory, as told by the narrator. The narrator follows Marcos's enthusiasm to his mental demise.
- | Author: Joseph Avski
- | Publisher: Mouthfeel Press
- | Publication Date: Dec 28, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 144 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1957840013
- | ISBN-13: 9781957840017
- Author:
- Joseph Avski
- Publisher:
- Mouthfeel Press
- Publication Date:
- Dec 28, 2022
- Number of pages:
- 144 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1957840013
- ISBN-13:
- 9781957840017