Are you ready to take charge of YOUR future? The life you want to live is within your grasp-but you need a plan to get there. No successful business, person, or organization achieves true, long-lasting success without having a plan of action outlining what and how they are going to achieve their desired goals. Having a plan is simply a part of success-in every area of life. Taking Charge of Your Future is a 20-module workbook designed to help justice-involved individuals work toward a positive, productive lifestyle and integration into the community. Suitable for group or individual use, Taking Charge of Your Future helps participants: - develop self-awareness and hope for a successful future - set achievable goals - identify personal strengths and weaknesses - overcome internal and external barriers that may be preventing them from achieving their goals The most beautiful aspect of self-knowledge is the personal empowerment you will feel once you begin to realize that the life you desire is within your own grasp. You just need to harness your own strength, understand how to address your weaknesses, and develop your transition plan!
| Author: Gerald Bradford, Terrence Morgan, Franklyn Smith