Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.-1 Chronicles 16:11Not a day goes by that you're not invited into God's presence. Stressed? Rejoicing? Confused? Grateful? Look to the Lord . . . lean into his strength . . . seek his face.And start building that habit today with Closer to God Each Day: 365 Daily Devotions.This inspiring daily devotional from Time of Grace makes it easy to seek God each day so you can experience more of his power and wisdom in your life. Filled with beautiful Scripture passages, practical wisdom, insightful teaching, and real-life application, Closer to God Each Day will help keep you oriented in the grace and truth of Jesus so you enjoy the full life he alone provides.A few moments can transform your day . . . a daily habit in God's Word can transform your life!So start seeking him today with your copy of Closer to God Each Day: 365 Daily Devotions.