Spunky, precocious, and imaginative, Betty and her cat Anna begin an empowering journey with her trusty red wagon. Betty is eager to quickly navigate the woodland trails, where animals cross her path and then join her. Nature slows her down, zigzagging trails, movements, colors and sounds she begins to notice everything around her. With her new pace and surprising wagon transformations, Betty is inspired to believe in herself, knowing with her creativity, kind heart, and determination, she can become whatever she wants to be. A creative investigation page at the end of the book gives the reader an opportunity to learn about trailblazing women, and to searh for objects and symbols within the book's illustrations.
- | Author: Mari Baird Tetwiler
- | Publisher: Launchcrate Publishing
- | Publication Date: Sep 13, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 34 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Hardcover
- | ISBN-10: 1947506285
- | ISBN-13: 9781947506282